Sunday, October 26, 2014

Chocolate Personality Test

This morning in Ladies Bible Class we did a sweet little activity. Our teacher (a sweet sweet woman with one of the kindest hearts I know) places a variety of mini chocolate bars on our tables and asked us each to pick the one we like the most, then asked people to hold up their hands as she called out each type of candy bar. I was the only one in a class of approx 25 women to hold my hand up for special dark, which read:

Special Dark

Patient, thoughtful, individualist, problem solver. Likes to see a project through from start to finish. Good grant writers, works well with difficult people, insightful, reflective. Little patience with incompetence or liars. Sets high standards for self and others. Dependable, resourceful and loyal.

Honestly, after she read this aloud, with everyone looking at me, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed. I know it's a game but wow, those are a lot of qualities to possess, many of which I'd love to claim are "so me" but often feel like I'm a failure in those areas. 

Patient - I think any mom can relate that at times, lot of times, you do NOT feel patient. This morning, when I thought we were way ahead of schedule getting ready to church, but after my daughter decided she needed to use the potty 3 times within 10 minutes such that we were then rushing out the door...I did not feel patient. BUTi take solace in the fact that I did stay calm and encouraging of my daughters new endeavors in potty training...and we even had time to stop for a starbucks drink treat on the way to bible class. 

Thoughtful - Do I think about people??? Absolutely and all the time!  Do I do anything about it so that they know that I am thinking about them and car about them? This is a work in progress. Shooting off a quick text...easy. Picking up the phone or writing a card or making time for a visit are things I am working on.  People don't know I'm thinking about them if I don't show them I'm thinking about them. 

Individualist - not positive exactly where they are going with this, but I am going to read this as "set apart". Am I set apart at work and in my daily life?  Do people recognize that I have a joy in my heart because I have God in my life?  I hope so, but I know that this is also a work in progress. 

Problem solver - this I can say YES!  I am a speech pathologist. I saw this cute slp tshirt which read "SLPs...we fix problems you didn't know you have". I do love to problem solve!

Works well with difficult people - I think yes, I do work well with them, but often my heart is not in the right place. And am I really working well with them if I then go and complain about it or them?

Insightful and reflective- I believe I am, but then what am I going to do about it to continually improve myself as a child of God?

Good writer - haha, I don't know I suppose if you are still reading this I must not be too terrible

Little patience with incompetence - not necessarily a great quality and I will admit to possessing this at times. So now I must ask myself what do I do to help work with and educate people instead of just getting frustrated or judging?

Dependable, resourceful and loyal - I hope so. I believe I generally follow through who. I say I will do something. Does resourceful equal frugal?  If so yes! :). Loyal - this word I believe has many aspects to it. I think about out class this am where we talked about self control of the tongue. I believe even when I am joking about my husband where I say something that isn't building him up then I am not being as loyal as I should be. 

Even though this was a cute and fun activities, I think it's always good to continually reflect on our lives and determine what areas we can improve upon?  Am I glorifying God with my "gifts"? 

Other candy bar personality types are listed below. What do you think?  Does your favorite candy bar match your personality type?  What areas of your life do you feel like you are using positively to bring glory to God?  What areas can you improve?

This morning in the way to work my daughter and I were singing the fruits of the spirit, which ironically was one of the first verses we read in bible class today. While this is a fun personality quiz, it's always important to reflect on the qualities which God asks of us. Love, joy, peace, abstinence, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. 

I am a work in progress. And I think I'll go eat a piece of dark chocolate :) 

Mr. Goodbar

You are analytical, logical. You gather data first before giving an opinion, play the devil’s advocate at meetings, tend to see all the possibilities and drive people crazy by sharing all the “what ifs”. Hate deadlines, put off starting things, procrastinator. Likes to be the expert but in your own period. Can analyze things to death. Like there to be rules that everyone follows. Likes a lot of structure and hates surprises..


Creative, optimistic, always see the cup 1⁄2 full, messy (messy desk) but organized (eventually find missing item). Likes to be a hands-on person; a little off-beat, ditzy, funny, friendly and outgoing, always willing to help. Like the surprising things in life, the “crackle”. Like situations that follow flexibility, change and growth.

Milk Chocolate

You are an all American, loves baseball, Mom and apple pie. Cheerleader for your program, level headed, good PR person, great fundraiser, and also kind, thoughtful, always remember everyone’s birthday, playful. Nurturing, kind, help others to “shine” dependable and loyal. Others often turn to you for help. 

Chocolate Personality Test provided by:

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